It's been 1 year since Talon's initial debut on the App Store, whats next?

It’s been 1 year since Talon initially launched on the iOS App Store, which is quite honestly crazy to think about. Time flies, I guess? Since last year, we’ve expanded to Android, macOS, and Windows. Between all platforms, we’ve achieved 10K downloads altogether. It’s an incredible accomplishment.
What’s next?
Well, we’re working on plenty of new features, including IFTTT webhook support, Discord Embeds (maybe), and more. These features should be introduced in v1.3 - coming this Summer. In addition to all of these features, we’ve just started development on our own Link Shortening service - which will be hosted at will be available to Talon Pro customers, and will replace the current Link Shortening API we’ve been using.
In addition to this, we’re looking into using SwiftUI for many elements of the iOS app, because we love SwiftUI. Stay tuned!
Anything else?
Talon v1.3 is early in planning, and we hope to share more information with you about what will change for all of the platforms Talon is available on. For now, thats all we have to share. Thanks for enjoying Talon, and thanks for being with us on this journey.