Reintroducing Azurite

Hola everyone! It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us. Early last year, we announced the name Azurite, then later in the summer, we announced what the app would be. I know its been over a year since we’ve spoke about it (aside from one hint in August), but today - we will be unveiling more information on the project, including when you’ll be able to use it.
What is Azurite?
As we announced in Summer 2020, Azurite is built in SwiftUI, and will be an app that allows you to keep up with various stocks, and crypto - with a clean interface. You’ll also be able to check news related to stocks, and the stock market as a whole, in the app.
Where will I be able to use Azurite?
At first, we will be building an iOS app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - but hope to expand to more platforms in the future. We’ll let you know when we have more information on that!
Azurite beta!?
I’m glad you asked! If you’re part of our Insider program (which is not currently accepting new users) - you’ll get an Azurite “beta 0” within the next few days, and for everyone else - we plan to launch a public Azurite beta by the end of the year. Stay tuned!
Where can I see Azurite?
The first two screenshots of the updated version of Azurite for iOS can be viewed on this Tweet (if you’re reading this within ~5 mins of it being tweeted, you wont have the link yet) 😄
What’s next?
We plan to launch Azurite on the iOS App Store sometime next year, likely around the Summer/Fall timeframe. Besides that though, we look forward to giving everyone access to Azurite in a public beta form later this year! Thanks for supporting us along the way ❤️
For future Azurite updates, please make sure you follow us on Twitter.